• SMAN Sumatera Selatan

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  • Category: OPINION
  • Published on Thursday, 30 January 2020 12:53
  • Written by Marketing, Events & External Relations
  • Hits: 3754


Pada Senin (27 Januari 2020), SMAN Sumsel menyambut tim perpustakaan dari MAN 3 Palembang yang hendak melakukan studi banding mengenai sistem digitalisasi perpustakaan di SMAN Sumsel. Turut hadir dalam kunjungan tersebut, yaitu Ibu Lely Haryani, S.Pd., Bapak Mediansyah, S.E., Ibu Milda Anggraini, S.Pd., dan Bapak Sadam, S.Kom.

Tujuan utama dari kunjungan ini adalah untuk mempelajari secara langsung langkah-langkah dalam melakukan penginputan data buku, anggota perpustakaan, sirkulasi peminjaman & pengembalian buku, dan terkhusus mempelajari sistem SLiMS 8. Kepala dan staf perpustakaan SMAN Sumsel, Ibu Suci Wulandari & Ibu Rischa Amelia, telah siaga di perpustakaan SMAN Sumsel untuk berdiskusi dan berbagi ilmu mengenai sistem perpustakaan SMAN Sumsel.

SLiMS 8 atau Senayan Library Management System 8 merupakan sebuah perangkat lunak terbuka untuk sistem manajeman perpustakaan. SLiMS 8 membantu pustakawan untuk menginput data buku, membuat katalog buku, data anggota, inventaris buku, sirkulasi peminjaman dan pengembalian buku hingga pelaporan. Tak hanya itu, SLiMS 8 membantu mempermudah pemustaka untuk menemukan koleksi buku yang dibutuhkan karena SLiMS 8 juga sudah dilengkapi dengan fitur labeling buku dengan barcode melalui sistem DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification). Kegiatan berlangsung sejak pukul 10.00 hingga 12.00 WIB di perpustakaan SMAN Sumsel. Tim perpustakaan MAN 3 Palembang mencoba praktek secara langsung cara mengoperasikan SLiMS 8 untuk menginput data buku, kartu anggota, dan semua hal lainnya untuk diimplementasikan di perpustakaan MAN 3 Palembang.  

Selain itu, tim IT SMAN Sumsel juga turut membantu dalam melakukan pengunduhan master file & instalasi sistem SLiMS 8 untuk tim perpustakaan MAN 3 Palembang. 



  • Category: OPINION
  • Published on Tuesday, 03 September 2019 15:47
  • Written by Superuser
  • Hits: 7608


This academic year 2019/2020, SMAN Sumatera Selatan hosts another exchange participant. This time, the school hosts a student from Bangladesh named Ruchira Azad Chowdhury. Called Ruchira, the exange participant who has a 6 weeks-long period of stay. She came here through AIESEC UNSRI “Open Your Mind 6.0” program which focus on education and cultural exchange program.


Ruchira is a senior year student of University of Liberal Arts in Bangladesh. She is taking media studies and journalism, and majoring in digital film and TV production. During her stay, Ruchira taught English to the students of SMAN Sumsel. Also, she dedicated her time in the night to have an “English circle” with the students to help enhancing their ability to speaking in English. Apart from her teaching schedule, Ruchira was given the chance to talk about her country and share about the culture with X and XI graders during 3L activity. Ruchira wore Saree and made a student wear one. She closed the presentation with dancing together with all of the students.


“I had the best experience teaching in SMAN Sumsel. I always felt excited and happy whenever I had a class. I prepared my lesson very well as I would get so worry if the students do not understand me.” explained Ruchira when being asked about her teaching experiences. She added that she really loved students of SMAN Sumsel because they always showed their enthusiasm,  being active, and engaged with the class activities. She mentioned that Tara, Ricky, Ogan, and Dwi Hardika were some of her favourite students.


During her days in Palembang, Ruchira also stayed in the school’s dormitory, and lived together in the same building with teachers and students. Eventhough she thought that all teachers and staffs of SMAN Sumsel were so serious at first, but sooner she found out that everyone was very kind, nice, and joyful. “I remembered the time when we cooked and ate together in the school. Then on the other day, I made my time to cook for them also our Bangladesh food.”


Ruchira had tasted several traditional cuisine of Palembang and Indonesia; and her favourite was meatball. She also spent her time going to some of tourism sites in Palembang. She went to Pulau Kemaro, Museum Balaputradewa, Lenggok cafe, Museum Al-Qur’an akbar, Pasar 16 traditional market, Jakabaring Sport City, and Sudirman night street walk. Besides that, she had a trip to Lahat and Pagaralam. She was having a really good time going to a river, waterfall, mountain, and even tea and strawberry garden. She stayed in Ibu Febry’s and Ibu Indah’s house in Lahat.


Ruchira thinks that Indonesians are very friendly and kind. She received so much love from and felt accepted by everyone in Palembang, Lahat, or Pagaralam. “Sometimes, I have a hard time to hear other people speak in Bahasa Indonesia, as I could not understand and involve in the conversation. Yet, that motivates me to learn Bahasa Indonesia with one of Bahasa Indonesia teacher in here.” said Ruchira. She also explained how people in Indonesia are always willing to offer help to her even though they could not speak English. “I love the interaction with people here.” She added.


On the 29 of August, Ruchira will depart from Palembang. She received so many letters from students in her farewell ceremony. She was touched reading each letter from the students. Those make her want to stay longer. Before leaving for Bangladesh, she would spend some time in Jakarta and Bandung. She plans to visit some tourism sites over there. “I will go back soon to Bangladesh and finish my study. After graduating, I will come back to Indonesia, work here, and of course visiting this school again.”  All the experiences she had in Palembang and SMAN Sumatera Selatan would be a lasting wonderful memory that she would hold close to her heart forever.



  • Category: OPINION
  • Published on Friday, 12 April 2019 08:29
  • Written by Superuser
  • Hits: 8725

talha.jpgPalembang, 15 of March 2019 – SMAN Sumatera Selatan is an international standard school which implements a holistic curricula based on National Curriculum 2013 and 21st century learning supported by Cambridge International Examination (IGCSE – International General Certificate of Secondary Education), and Cambridge International Advanced Subsidiary (AS) and Advance (A) Level oriented in active learning approach.

As a school which applies full English in its learning system and daily activities, SMAN Sumatera Selatan has an opportunity to host one of the exchange participants from Pakistan through AIESEC (Association Internationale des Etudiants en Sciences Economiques et Commerciales)– a Sriwijaya Universty Program. On the previous semester, SMAN Sumatera Selatan welcomed other two exchange participants from South Korea and Morocco through similar AIESEC program.

The AIESEC exchange participant from Pakistan who will stay at SMAN Sumatera Selatan for 6 weeks named Talha Tanveer, a senior-year business-study student from Westminster International College, Malaysia. Before leaving for Indonesia, Talha rejected some offers to teach in Egypt, Hungary, and Turkey. The main reason of his choice to have AIESEC project in Indonesia is because Talha has already fallen in love and is so interested to explore Indonesian culture, particularly to have experience to live withfriendly local Indonesian people.

Talha who wasselected as student-ambassador of Pakistan in his university explained that he has the best impression from his experience to teach in SMAN Sumatera Selatan. “All of the students is so disciplined, respectful, very welcome to me, and clever. They mostly spend their time to study even when they hang out together.”

Besides teaching English and economics, Talha usually delivers motivational speech to students of SMAN Sumatera Selatan emphasizing that everybody could become global citizen. He points out that even though he is Pakistani, but he got an opportunity to study in Malaysia with full scholarship. He believes that everybody could be successful if he is confident with his own abilities.

On the other moment when Talha and his two other AIESEC fellows from Morocco and Mexico (Angel and Oumayma) become speakers during Life Long Learning (LLL) program in SMAN Sumatera Selatan, he introduced about Pakistan. He then also explained about Pakistani culture and talked about several things to motivate students of SMAN Sumatera Selatan. Previously, Talha delivered a motivational speech in afternoon assembly talking about Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, who built the first cancer hospital in Pakistan. Talha reminded all students not to give up on our own dreams.

Besides studying, Talha has a business on event organizing, videography, and marketing. Yet, his education still becomes his top priority. To Talha, he applies his knowledge in business study through his business.

Nanang Adi Prayitno, S.Pd., a Head of Quality Assurance of SMAN Sumatera Selatan, welcomes positively the AIESEC program of Universitas Sriwijaya in SMAN Sumatera Selatan. “This (AIESEC) program will of course give positive impact to our students. They can learn so many things from Talha, not only about communication but also how to become a good global citizen.” 


  • Category: OPINION
  • Published on Friday, 17 May 2019 07:41
  • Written by Marketing, Events & External Relations
  • Hits: 8007

Stay positive, work hard, and make it happen!” is my life motto. My days at the school dormitory come to an end and on the school graduation ceremony, I’m very grateful that I could dedicate my latest achievement to my parents – Fetrisonand Desi Susanti.  I’m very excited and proud that I could accomplish to achieve the highest average on computer-based national examination (UNBK) among students of SMAN Sumatera Selatan majoring in science with 94.25/100 of average score.

 destry_1.jpegMy name is Destry Pradita. I am the first child of three siblings. I was born in a disadvantaged family; my Dad works as a labor and my Mom is a housewife. As the eldest child, I must have a strong determination to become a good role model and make my family proud of me.  I’ve established a strong willingness into real action with long-list of achievements I could createduring high school periods, such as:

1. Graded A for IGCSE Mathematics

2. Graded B for IGCSE Physics

3. The first winner of Energy Saving Competition

4. The third winner of Choir Competition for Veteran Day

5. The third winner of Choir Competition held by SMAN 16 Palembang

6. The winner of third consolation prize of Science Quiz Contest Mineral Cup

7. The winner of first consolation prize of Choir Competition held by SMAN 18 Palembang

To be the top achiever in science major at SMAN Sumatera Selatan is not an easy matter. I have my own strategies to succeed the computer-based national examination such as getting assistance from teachers when I faced some difficulties to understand the learning materials, drilling examination type-of-question from many different resources, entering various try-outs inside or outside of the school, and certainly praying to God and requesting blessing from my parents for the best results of the examination. With the achievements I obtained, I feel so happy and am grateful to God because all of my hard-works is paid off.

I am now continuing my study in an undergraduate program of Bandung  Intitute of Technology (ITB) majoring in mining and oil engineering through SNMPTN. I underwent so many precious experiences during my study at SMAN Sumatera Selatan. Not only was my leadership skill sharpened, My friends  and I were taught the importance of internalizing religious values in all aspects of my life and encouraged to balance both academic and non-academic areas along my study periods at school. To me, this is priceless thing that I will not get in other school but in SMAN Sumatera Selatan.

Although I had to live at the dormitory which is far away from home, I whose born in Tanjung Enim on 25 of September 2001 never felt worry about that. The main reason was because I experienced very strong bond of love and family atmosphere at the dormitory of SMAN Sumatera Selatan which led me not to ever feel lonely but instead feeling that I lived among my new family.

As a student who likes a lot of readings, I have a big dream that when I have started my college lives, I can still become an active, passionate, and full of achievements type of student. All the hope goes for my very ultimate dream to become mining engineer of the future.



  • Category: OPINION
  • Published on Tuesday, 06 March 2018 09:36
  • Written by Marketing, Events & External Relations
  • Hits: 6829


Kegiatan pratikum merupakan salah satu aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh siswa dalam proses pembelajaran Kimia di kelas XI IPA. Aktivitas pratikum sangat perlu dilakukan dalam proses pembelajaran sains, selain sebagai kompetensi keterampilan yang harus dicapai oleh siswa, kegiatan pembelajaran dilaboratorium juga dapat menumbuhkan sikap berpikir kritis siswa terhadap materi pembelajaran karena siswa dapat menghubungkan teori yang telah dibaca dari buku dengan hasil pengamatan yang telah mereka lakukan selama percobaan.

Saat ini, siswa sedang melakukan percobaan tentang pengujian larutan asam,  basa dan garam. Adapun tujuan dari percobaan yang dilakukan adalah untuk mengidentifikasi sifat dari larutan dan menentukan perkiraan pH secara kualitatif, terdapat  sepuluh jenis larutan yang berbeda yang akan diujikan sifat nya dengan menggunakan enam jenis indikator yang berbeda termasuk indikator alami yang dapat ditemui dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. 

Selama melakukan percobaan siswa terlihat antusias dan menunjukan rasa  ingin tahu terhadap kegiatan selama percobaan. Setelah selesai melakukan percobaan, perwakilan dari setiap kelompok menyimpulkan hasil pengamatan yang telah dilakukan dan membandingkan hasil pengamatan dengan kelompok lainnya, proses ini dikenal sebagai tahap verifikasi yang merupakan salah satu tahapan pada metode pembelajaran. Diharapkan dengan melakukan kegiatan pratikum di laboratorium, siswa dapat memahami materi dengan lebih baik lagi dan pengalaman belajar dilaboratorium dapat membekali siswa untuk jenjang pendidikan berikutnya, misalnya telah mengetahui aturan dan larangan saat bekerja di laboratorium, simbol-simbol bahan kimia, dan keselamatan kerja. Selain itu, pengalaman belajar siswa di laboratorium juga diharapkan dapat memotivasi siswa untuk menemukan ide permasalahan yang dapat dituliskan pada karya ilmiah karena belajar kimia bukan hanya sekadar menghitung, tetapi lebih dari itu, yaitu menciptakan karakter siswa yang jujur, bertanggung jawab, dan berpikir ilmiah melalui kegiatan pembelajaran di laboratorium.









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